
Vaccinations are crucial to pet healthcare at Bedford Veterinary Medical Center.

They safeguard your beloved pet from contagious diseases that can cause severe illness or even death. To ensure that your pet gets the best protection, we follow the vaccination guidelines of the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and customize the vaccination protocols to suit your pet’s specific requirements.

During your pet’s wellness visit, our experienced veterinarians will discuss the vaccination schedule that is appropriate for your pet. We administer core vaccinations to all pets and non-core vaccinations to pets that require extra protection based on their lifestyle and risk of exposure. We use only the safest and most effective vaccines that are available in the market.

We are firm believers in the importance of preventive care, and vaccinations are a crucial component of that. Keeping your pet’s vaccinations up-to-date is a simple and effective way to ensure their overall health and well-being. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment for your furry friend.

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